Doug and I have been married for over 12 years. I can whole heartily say that I love him more today then on my wedding day. We have made each other our priority. We are intentional with setting aside time together, to laugh and have fun. To do things that we enjoy. He is my best friend and I love spending time with him. I believe it is so important to work at your marriage and make an effort into loving your spouse and loving them well. Leave a note under their phone. Stop in just to say hello at the office. Do the little things.
Every marriage is different and every couple is different. However, I believe, the underlaying similarities in all relationships are the need to feel loved. To be known and seen. Take the time to know you spouse so you can love them well! I see Doug as an extension of me. He is always on my side and rooting for me. If he is succeeding, I am succeeding. He is a part of me and we are one. What an honor that is!
I would like to encourage all the single people as well reading this…. Don’t settle. Rest in Gods love and promise and know that He knows your heart and desires and will give you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. Trust the timing of your life and rest in His peace.
Photos by Corbin Ballard Photography