“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” -Matthew 6:34
I want to live my life full of faith. We aren’t called to live in fear but it seems that is our nature so many times. God is always enough. He walks with us through every season and step of life. We can’t live in fear but must choose faith.
I tend to find myself worrying about things that haven’t happened yet- but could happen. I worry about the future. “Everything seems to be ok right now, but what if….” tends to be a voice Im familiar to.
I have three beautiful boys but I don’t have a daughter. I am super close to my mom and Ive always wanted a daughter of my own. That yearning in me for a daughter is still in my heart. “Today our family is full but what if in the future this won’t be enough so maybe I should have a daughter…” I can choose fear or I can choose faith in that situation. Im sure that will be something I will have to trust and rely on God to give me contentment and fill the void of this desire. He fills that void today so what makes me fearful he won’t int he future?
We can’t let ourselves live in this trap of fear of tomorrow that we are robbed of today. I’m not sure how I’ll feel when I’m 40,50,60 and not be a mother to a daughter. However, today I feel at peace about it. I trust the Lord for what he has given and not given me.
I’m not sure what decisions you are facing in your life right now, but I want to encourage you to make your decisions out of faith not fear. Don’t let our fear of the future rob us of the joy of today.
xoxo Lydia