I never understood “Mom guilt” until I became a Mother. It’s like we give birth to these perfect little souls and at the same time this guilt is born in our hearts of never being enough of earning such a beautiful blessing, or we somehow are doing this whole mother thing wrong….
The same grace we pour onto our child- we need to pour onto ourselves. I have found that I need to be realistic with myself and my needs. Just because I am a mother doesn’t mean I don’t ever need “me” time or my own self- care. I have learned that personally, I need me time every day and that’s ok. That doesn’t mean I’m a bad mom! That is just a little self care and in the end actually makes me a better mother. Im writing this as Im at the hair salon getting my roots done. We are good at doing a million things at once, but for me, that gives me sanity. That is part of my mae up and being with my children 24/7 simply drives me insane!
Every mom is different. Some of my friends love staying at home with their kids, meal planning and take great delight in their home. I have some other friends that are full time moms and professionals, and even other of my mommy friends have a few nannys! Just how every marriage is different, so is the way and role of motherhood and how woman mother.
I love putting my boys to bed. That special hour of snuggling and praying and just being with them. I have so many memories of my mom doing that with me, and so I love doing that. Doug and I have a busy schedule and get invited to many social events. We have a unspoken ‘rule’ that we don’t leave our kids more than two nights in a row. It just breaks my heart and I don’t like to do it. Thats us. That is what I feel is right as a mom and so what our household goes by…. But everyone is different. I feel no guilt leaving my kids for a hour for me to get a workout in, because that is sanity for me. Do you! Don’t feel guilty about your own needs.
I don’t cook! Some moms may feel super guilty for that, but I know that isn’t life giving for me and I way rather spend the hour out of the kitchen doing other things with my family. I don’t feel guilty about that. I have released that mom guilt of this image of what a mom should do and am free to just be me. Lets face it, if we are pouring love into our kids and trying our best, that really is enough and nothing to ever feel guilty about.
xoox Lydia